PawelK    Podróże    Across Africa by all means. Mainly cycling....    Kaine gute raise!
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Kaine gute raise!

Niemcy, Donau Vally
Przejechano 21625 km

Kaine gute raise it was!!!

Just rain, snow frost, mountains and meny, meny roads with little good saints. This is how I could describe this days,

So close but so far.
As I cross the French-German border easily since all this is in EU. I was very stubborn and wont to jump quickly over the Shwarzwald. The reality was going to correct it a bit. Whether was getting worst and worst, Rain, snow and strong wind was harassing me all the time. Night rides were very frustrating, I have been losing my way many times thanks to maize of a deferred roads and bicycle trails. Some of them being just a dirty forest track.
Shwarzwald was surprisingly difficult with it's very step up hills and cold weather. More to say I have bought not to good map of course! Thinking that since I'm now in Germany everything have to be in "Ordnung"- isn't it?
Cycling through that Country is easer with very detale map. Like 1:200 000 or 1:100 000, but in that days I didn't know that yet!

One good person which I have met somewhere in the "Landshaft" of Shwarzwald when I was one more time confused which way to go?!?!? Suggested me that I should follow the Donau river as it is slowly dripping down to the North The direction I wonted to go so desperaty.
The wathere was bed and the forecouse was proclaiming the storm coming for few days with very strong winds and snow blizzards. But there was one good thing in it!!! The fucking wind was blowing on my back and the road was downhill.
Some times I was just flaying...... Losing my road and finding it,
On one shity evening I got to a cycling hell which is an German highway tunnel! Not only you are not allowed to be there, but for the most it is very dangerous. The most imported for me was the kilometers, not the road I have been on. Conversely to the police opinion of course!
Donau valley was very picturesque, so what??!! if I have to climb up some stupid hill in sted of raiding down!! Everything because bicycle are not allowed on the main roads!!!

Somewhere in the middle of this country I had something like a crises. I have been thinking about taking a train or something. Just to get out of it and make it home for charismas on time.
It was evening tiredness, more faults in my bike, and hellish freezing and wet conditions that have been growing on me, Evil thoughts started to generate in my Head. I was calculating the kilometers, the days and the result wasn't good. Worm and dray train was somewhere there easy to reach and inviting to his peasant seats....
But I got together and fourth about DRC about Malaria, about Sahara nort winds and the answer was on my lips. "If this hasn't brake you up, FUCKING GERMAN WINTER IS NOT GOING TO DO IT!"
I took a hotel room. dray up, took shower, eat something. And on a very next morning before sunrise I was on the road passing by frozen rainwater holes, my face full of joy, The storm was a bit over and I could continue with more optimistic mood.

This is how I reached Czech Republic- feeling almost at home.

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Komentarze (2)
genek - 2011-12-21 20:45
dawaj dawaj z krzyza a na wigilie bedziesz u mamy:)))) po 5 latach :)))) oj bedzie sie dzialo!!!!
mama Pawla
mama Pawla - 2011-12-21 20:51
Masz racje Genku - bedzie sie dzialo ! Dzis Pawel jest we Wroclawiu. Jutro miedzy 6-11 przed poludniem bedzie Go mozna zobaczyc w TVP INFO pr. 3 - dzis udzielil wywiadu.
Pozdrawiam Wszystkich Jego Przyjaciol !
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