THE SPONSOR OF MY BICYCLE SPARE PARTS IS COMPANY PRODUCING FINE BICYCLE SADDLES The road to Ouesso theoretically wasn't so difficult but my bike didn't want to go any further as I had a serious problem with the back wheel. The lack of any mechanic in a stretch of 200 km means that I had to push my bike almost all that distance but my friends from the expedition weren't really in a hurry so I was averiging 50 km a day and they weren't far ahead of me. We ended up reaching town at the same time.
From Makwa and the equator we have been travelling on a dirt road cut through the Jungle which was fantastic. There was many of the Pigmy villages and it was a great opportunity to have a look how these people live. Unfortunately I have to say that they have many problems. One especially is alcohol. Simiilar to the aborigines in Australia it destroys them. I heard many quarrels in the night time and have seen fights too. All because they do not have any resistance to this drink and they loose control over themselves after a couple of drinks.
Ouesso was a very important stop over for our group. I was going to get a new back wheel for my bike, and we were going to meet with another member of our group, saying good bay to another.
Ouesso was also an important stop over for Kazimeirz Nowak and we decided to find some more marks of his travel here. In the meantime we had to find the way to travel up the river to Bomesa, because we thought that Kazimierz went by boat. Later somebody in Poland discovered that he actually crossed the river and continued by bike.
During ouer search we met a few people and one of us did an interview with the local radio.
We also met a man who was supposed to remember the story about Kazimierz Nowak told to him by his parents. This was important news for our project.
We spent around one week in Ouesso staying in a catholic bishop's mansion and having breakfast with him each day. He was a very nice guy but the language barrier was a major obstacle in communication.
We got to know the local enviroment quite well and started feeling at home, just before we were to depart. I spent a few days fixing bits and pieces on my bike. Making it work more smoothly.
And when the time came we put the last plate of Kazimierz Nowak in the main square of the town and ferried to the other side of Sangha. We had of course a few issues with the officials but nothing serious.