THE SPONSOR OF MY BICYCLE SPARE PARTS IS COMPANY PRODUCING FINE BICYCLE SADDLES Once we met up we followed the road day after day, Kananga- Kikwit were the worst sections ever!! Sand, hills, and sometimes no road at all.
Village after village in every town all of the people meeting us were whistling, screaming and carrying on...
There was not many places where we could rest in peace. Ten days of that commotion! My friend and I had had enough!! Sometimes we dissuaded the kids more forcefully than otherwise should be necessary. They were always gathering around like flys. We couldn't pee in peace, we couldn't eat in peace. They not only asked the same stupid questions, they asked for money expecting that if I was white I must be rich and would give them money or gifts like Santa Clause.
Anger and frustration grew in me... day by day. I lost all sense of reality and I wanted to grab someone and just shake him.
This country gives little opportunity to it's people and their approach to foreigners is to get the golden ticket.
When we finally reached the tar road it was like the end of a terrible nightmare. We drank a beer and with new hope continued to Kinshasa.