THE SPONSOR OF MY BICYCLE SPARE PARTS IS COMPANY PRODUCING FINE BICYCLE SADDLES Just got out from Moun and here we go... I started to feel really tired, and in the evening I got diarrhea. That was what got me quite suspicious about how tired I was.
If it is not enough that all the way from Moun to Nata I had a strong head wind, now I worried that I have to battle with Malaria!
My fever wasn't high but my joint and muscle pain was really bad.
In the evening after a long day (140 km) with elephant sitings on the side of the road and some giraffes, I finally decided to take some malaria pills to help with the symptoms!
That night was certainly interesting I would say! I had bunch of weird dreams and woke up feeling a bit better in the morning, with great relief.
The next day was of course against the wind but my goal is to get all the way to Nata with no delay.