THE SPONSOR OF MY BICYCLE SPARE PARTS IS COMPANY PRODUCING FINE BICYCLE SADDLES ......................and rainy it was!!!! I got to Sehithwa with a hope to stay with a CS, but she wasn't there at the time. So I got souked again and had to fix 3 punctures in the row.
I have seen just a bit the Ngami Lake but with out a bout it is just "glancing behind a tree"
Than still up the wind with showers from time to time I was visiting smoler and biger viliges on my way up north just to make sure that I want miss enythig and eat something of course.
One suprise I have met a Swiise cupel which I have met priviusly in Namibia touring in theire camper van and had a long chat.
The gravel roud to Tsodilo Hills was more a sand track. Now I know what people was talking about, mentioning the quality of Namibian rounds compering to the rest of Africa!!!
More or les I got there completely soaked once agan. The last 4km was more for a kayak than for a bicycle. So the funn it was!!!! The best I like in it that it is always warm in Africa hi hi !!
One good part of that trip was that the camp is for free and they have nice toilets and showers. Free of charge!!!!!
So after washing, showering, shawing, and of course cooking finly I got on my walk. Called Rino Trail. It was nice and I must say that much more impressive than this bloody White Layde Paintings in Namibia!!!
I even had been lucky not beeng charged for a guide. Hi hi just they haven't seen me walking!!!
After that a bit drayer. but still up the wind I went back to the main roud and had a quik ride to the ferry across Okavango river.
I must say that was expecting sometning biger than this.
The trip up to Seronga was planed for 2 quike days but was something like 5 days, but this is an other story.